Friday, January 26, 2018

Student SUCcess statement

"What's right isn't always popular. What's popular isn't always right."
Image result for albert einstein memesImage result for dank memesImage result for when she makes eye contact for 0.5 sec

This quote means that trends that are popular aren't always right. We shouldn't just conform to what everyone is doing especially if it's wrong. For example like the guy cut homeless people's' hair for free. He is ctr by doing what is right, helping people who need it. And the teens who drink underage are choosing the wrong. Underage drinking is a trend, but that doesn't mean that it's a good one. Those teens are destroying their brains by drinking. Especially binge drinking that can lead to being an alcoholic and drunk driving. The guy who cut people's hair wasn't popular but was ctr. This is an example of this. We should stand up to wrong trends. SO in conclusion you boi albert is right. He was very smart. The end

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